GR In Action

Christalis Home is typical of many orphanages that provide a wonderful home for kids yet have so many pressing needs. Over 7 weeks, GlobalRise is focusing on implementation of food systems (farming and nutrition) for their orphans.

In our first project, we will build sustainable systems that improve nutrition- increasing food diversity, improving the kitchen, food storage areas, sanitation and much more.

We invite you to follow our progress! We’ll be posting everything here.

Week 1:
Clean Food Storage Room, Tool Shed and Buy Supplies

Success Metrics

Agri Metric #1: Begin design of Biogas Digester and clean and organize farm shed
Nutri Metric #1: Clean, well-organized storage rooms with minimum food spoilage



The food storage room at Christalis Home was transformed by applying simple changes — clean shelves, placing food in containers – will promote food quality and significantly reduces costs due to spoilage. The room was also secured against rodents that bring diseases that threaten children’s health.



A large shed on the property was cleaned and organized to store farm tools that were purchased and other gardening items as we plan a small garden with a much wider variety of vegetables to balance the diets of children.

The kitchen used a mortar to pound peanuts to prepare meals, taking over 1 hour. A corn grinder dramatically improved food preparation, reducing the time to 10 minutes.

Week 2:
Implement Chimney, Nutrition Training for Kids, Start Garden

Success Metrics

Nutri Metric:
1. Begin re-design of kitchen to remove smoke and improve working environment.
2. Beginning of educational classes for children using nutrition principles.
3. Data collection of the nutritional status of the children.

Agri Metric:
1. Preparation of the land to start planting.

Our nutritionist organized a class where the children created their own workbooks which will be used for nutritional training. They were so excited!

Work began to improve the conditions of the kitchen emphasizing removal of smoke.

The farm we are planning is about 1 acre and beside a stream that will provide good irrigation.

Week 3:
Sanitation Education & Training, Completion of “Digester”

Success Metrics

Agri Metrics:
1. “Digester” is built and creating gas
2. Garbage pit is prepared with “banana circle”

Nutri Metrics:
1. Staff and children trained on how to appropriately dispose of garbage
2. Ongoing nutritional classes teaching children to appreciate new foods that are nutritious

Beds were prepared for carrots and beets, two vegetables that are a great source of nutrients like Vitamin A and Iron.

This portion of the Biogas Digester is the “stomach” where gas is created that fuels the oven. The digester is now operational!

A garbage pit was dug that recycles the input into fertilizer for banana and papaya trees planted next to it.

Classes were conducted to educate both children and staff on how to properly dispose of garbage.

This week the children learned about food groups in the nutrition class.

Week 4:
Kitchen Renovation, Enhance Seedling Starts for Garden

Success Metrics

Nutri Metrics:
1. Oversee construction changes for kitchen, including removal of large hood over stove and completion of large windows to markedly improve air circulation.
2. Continue nutrition education for the children and reinforce earlier concepts of food groups and appropriate ways to dispose of garbage.
3. Implement new responsibilities for kitchen staff with orphanage management.

Agri Metrics:
1. Implement gas collection unit for the biogas digester.
2. Ensure seedlings/starts are germinating on schedule.

Work began on a major kitchen renovation removing windows and part of the roof to generate air circulation and light. These changes will permanently transform the kitchen into a safe place to cook.

Children receive specialized education with needs-specific materials created by the GlobalRise Nutritionist.

As the GlobalRise farm expert builds the gas collection unit for the biogas digester, the children learn the principles of how it works.

A canopy is constructed with corn stalks to protect the seedlings from the midday African sun.

Week 5:
Kitchen Project Completion and Staff Training

Success Metrics

Nutri Metrics:
Kitchen restoration completed with positive test for smoke removal

Agri Metrics:
Implement local training partnership with organic farming NGO


Kitchen had very little ambient light, smoke and soot were pervasive, deep cleaning was needed as well as strong air circulation; the kitchen hood was way oversized for the setting and served a minimum function for smoke removal (if any); the sink was not being used.


Two large windows were constructed to allow air circulation and light to come in, the sink was restored with a cabinet above it for utensils, the ceiling was opened and a sun roof was constructed. A side room for pots and pans was also renovated with a sun roof and cleaned.

Fireplaces were re-constructed to optimize wood burning efficiency.

The chimney had to be completely rebuilt to fully capture and remove smoke.

The color of food reveals the nutrients that it has (i.e., yellow is Vitamin A).
To learn this lesson the children played with fruits and created a rainbow in their plate!

GlobalRise teamed with a local NGO called BioGardens to train “small holder” farmers to grow crops more efficiently; part of our broader action plan to help local families with food.

Week 6:
Hand hygiene for kids and training local farmers

Success Metrics

Nutri Metrics:
Train the children how to wash their hands and lead them through a practice

Agri Metrics:
Complete training for farmers in the community

The children received materials with information and procedures showing how and when they should wash their hands.

The funniest part was when the children took water and soap and started to practice what they learned from theory.

Creation of infographics help the children understand hygiene principles.

Small holder farmers, mostly women here, attended organic training classes.

Our agronomist led the group to create an A-Frame that helps to measure contours across large areas of property.

Week 7:
Kid’s Hygiene Graduation

Our last week for this phase was a bit emotional. We have become new “aunts and uncles” for the kids and have made great friends in the community that will help us to develop our program.

The orphans at Chrystalis Home worked hard on key areas – nutrition, sanitation and personal hygiene… so we had a graduation ceremony to cap off our time. The kids were so excited!

We left with a goodbye cake made by a local business woman! We have a good idea of what to do next in Kasese to bring better nutrition and economic growth to the poorest of the poor. The community leadership has embraced us! The Mayor wrote a letter of commendation to GlobalRise and the local leadership offered GlobalRise a new regional headquarters for nutrition training, improving farmers’ skills and more. In addition, over 100 acres have been offered to GlobalRise to implement our new business model.

Thank You

We look forward to our evaluation visit and a longer term stay in 2019! Please sign up for our newsletter for updates as we implement our next phase in Kasese, Uganda.