GlobalRise won semi-finalist in Rockefeller Foundation’s 2050 Food Systems Vision Prize.
Out of 1318 proposals worldwide, food experts selected 79 finalists.
Read more about our plan to “Kick Stunting Out of Kasese” with a regenerative and nourishing food system…
After working over 2 years building a food system at an orphanage in a hot zone of severe malnutrition with the highest rate of stunting in Uganda (>49% of children), learning the local food problematique (customs, attitudes, meals, leaders, etc), we are testing “geospatial nutrition profiles” (GNPs) to design effective community nutrition interventions in mountainous zones.
A nutrition program typically begins with a household survey to collect key data that informs interventions for a target area. Nutrition interventions based on household level data is essential.
Using best practices in data curation and expertise in the logistics industry, each GNP will integrate unique rural / tribal use of food derived from our 2019 / 2020 nutrition surveys, GPS waypoints of community assets, municipal statistics, and crowd-sourced maps resulting in data-rich, geospatial patterns representing extremely poor, nutritionally-equivalent households dotting hard to reach mountain ranges.
We believe, relying on GNPs, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) can build or expand existing campaigns without costly surveys. We intend to utilize GNP-driven nutrition interventions to optimize the reach of health campaigns in the Rwenzori Mountains (bordering 2 countries; 75 miles long by 40 miles wide), saving time, cost, and lives. By creating, publishing, certifying, and licensing GNPs (i.e., in a clearinghouse role), we intend to help many other NGOs, government, health organizations, and others to streamline health campaign costs and inform policy.
GlobalRise is teaming with the Kasese Better Living Center to validate end use of GNPs. The Center has offered to mobilize 450 mountainous churches in the Rwenzori Mountain area that will help us to conduct GNP-based nutrition campaigns over the next 3 years. We have teamed with Rwenzori International University to monitor and evaluate the results of our nutrition campaigns.
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